Pablo Manzanares

Pablo Manzanares

    Pablo has been in business development in different areas for more than 20 years, including energy market, real state and facility management. During the last 8 years has been working as Area manager for an office services multinational company with 3.5k locations. This knowledge will be a key for

    Roger Gudmundsäter

    Roger Gudmundsäter

      Roger Gudmundsäter, primary founder of iKare AB. He is an entrepreneur and visionary with a background in multiple business areas over the past 25 years ie. in the sector of telecom, industrial development of ecofriendly construction materials and aviation. The creation of iCell AB with an investment of 37

      Mikael Månsson

      Mikael Månsson

        Mikael Månsson, primary founder of iKare AB. Mikael and Roger has been working together since 1996.  He is an entrepreneur who has a background in the finance area (Ford Credit), industrial, telecom and construction sectors in which he has founded and co-owning several companies over the past 25 years.

        Andrew Gent

        Andrew Gent

          Andrew Gent has operating in the construction & real estate industry since 1998with extensive experience as a project manager in various projects. The assignments include both the private and public sectors, where the assignment role covers, among other things, project management, design, quality management, construction management, calculation work, and